Re-connect. Recover. Get GROUNDED.

Professional Bio

 As a Black, Haitian-American psychologist with diverse experiences, I’m committed to providing culturally-relevant and integrative care. My approach is collaborative, rooted in social justice, and adapted to your needs and goals. I work primarily with adults, although I have experience with clients across the lifespan. 

I am passionate about creating healing spaces for marginalized communities and supporting first and second generation Americans as they navigate multiple cultural worlds. I provide online therapy and psychological evaluations in English and Haitian Kreyòl (non-native speaker).

My treatment areas include: 

Select Educational and Professional Experience

Professional License and Registration: 

NY License 023922; PA License PS020286; FL Registered Telehealth Provider TPPY2008: 

Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology (APIT), APIT Number: 20244

Recent Professional Experience: 

Clinical Director and Supervisor, Let's Talk Psychological Wellness, New York, NY

Training and Quality Improvement Psychologist, Zanmi Lasante, Partners in Health (PIH), Haiti


Certification in Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT), Global Mental Health Institute, Columbia University

Post-Doctoral Fellow/Visiting Assistant Professor, CUNY Haiti Initiative, Office of the University Dean for Health & Human Services

Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY)

Pre-doctoral Intern, Jewish Board for Family and Child Services (JBFCS)

Clinical Fellowship, Medgar Evers College Counseling Center

M.A., Clinical Psychology, Teachers College, Columbia University

B.A., Psychology, Hampton University

Gain awareness. Live with new purpose. Get GROUNDED.